End Times Photo

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There are 4 places of interest in this photo. Pic.#1 On the left image I have outlined the face of Evil. He has a green face, green horns, and a serpent protruding from his forehead. He is laid to rest, you can actually see his shoulders and upper body. He represents Evil.
Pic.#2 Above him to his right stands the image of a man, he is standing over Evil. I believe he represents Good.
Pic.#3 The image to the far right is of a Skull, it is on what resembles a sheep skin and it has long black claws hanging off the edges of it.
Pic.#4 The image at the bottom is the face of a Lion, I believe it represents Christ.

I believe this picture depicts the End Times. Good is standing over Evil, who has been laid to rest in the final battle. The Lion represents Christ who is out front leading the battle, and the backdrop is stained glass which represents Heaven looking on. This is a Very Powerful picture. I believe this picture represents the Final Battle, which is forecasted in the Book of Revelation.