Miracles of Heaven
Miracles Of Heaven
"If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take
up his cross and follow me. For whoever would save his life
will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the
Gospel will save it.

For what does it profit a man to gain the whole world
and forfeit his life?"
(Mark 8.34-36)

This quote by Jesus sums up his message simply by
virtue of its closing phrase, which gets cited for
any circumstance in which someone has
traded their own humanity and values
to gain something of only
temporary worth and

Unexplained Photos
Shrine Miracles
The Angel Photo
Cross of the Passion
Jesus Photo
Jesus Resurrected
Blessed Mother
The Gateway to Heaven
End Times Photo
Photos-Beautiful Beads
Photos - Anomalies
Why Pray The Rosary?
Saying The Rosary
Daily Prayers
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Photos - Anomalies

This set of pictures you are about to view is very controversial. As with the previous pictures, there are many elements that may never be explained. One is a picture of what appears to be an Ostrich, it is developing right in front of the camera. When zoomed in, you can see right through it. You can see the grass and brush in the background, it has the body, wing, one leg and the neck and head. There is no explanation for this one. There are many things going on in the background of this picture, many faces and even a body with one of them. Another is of what appears to be a running deer, but when zoomed into, the head, legs, tail and part of the body have disappeared. It is like it is actually crossing over to another dimension right in front of the camera. You will notice both this and the Ostrich are alone, there is no reason for the camera to trip. Several of the last pictures of this set were taken with my digital camera by myself. When I would take the picture, I would look into the viewfinder and the picture in the viewfinder would be different than what I was physically seeing.

With the trail cameras, many of the very most important pictures occurred when the camera tripped itself. There was no reason for the camera to flash, because there was nothing physically there to make it happen. These pictures are of very great importance, because I believe the cameras were tripped with the aid of Divine Intervention. You will notice that the pictures are getting more and more controversial, this is setting up the two yet to come. The last two will be of the END OF TIMES, and the CROSS and RESURRECTION. These are the most powerful pictures of our time. They will show proof of ARMAGEDDON, as predicted in the BOOK OF REVELATION, and the other is of the CRUCIFIXION of JESUS, and proof of the RESURRECTION of our LORD. Please pass this website onto others, it is GODS intention.

End Of Times
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