Miracles of Heaven
Miracles Of Heaven
"Если кто хочет идти за Мною, отвергнись себя и возьми
крест свой и следуй за Мною. Ибо кто хочет душу свою сберечь
тот потеряет ее, а кто потеряет душу свою ради Меня и
Евангелия, тот сбережет ее.

Ибо какая польза человеку, если он приобретет весь мир
а душе своей повредит? "
(Марк 8.34-36)

Эта цитата Иисус подвел итоги своего сообщения просто
в силу своего закрытия фразу, которая получает цитируется по
любых обстоятельствах, в которых кто-то
торговали их собственной человечности и ценностей
чтобы получить что-то только
временного стоит и

Необъяснимая Фотографии
Shrine Miracles
Ангел Фото
Cross of the Passion
Иисус Фото
Иисус воскресший
Божией Матери
Ворота в небо
Фото Конец света
Фотографии, красивые бусины
Фотографии - Аномалии
Почему розарий?
Говоря Розария
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The Story

After being told through the Angels in July that I am to play a very important part in God's plan, I started receiving pictures in early August of 2010. The pictures came through my trail camera's which are used for wildlife viewing. The camera's photograph wildlife in their natural settings.The pictures you are about to see are real, and original to the trail camera's which took them. They have not been edited in any way. Millions will view them, and science will prove they are not a hoax. These are Miracles from Heaven. They are sent to show the world that there is more to life than life itself. To show what lies beyond our physical world. To show the world proof, to enlighten and empower the human race. To show the higher clarity beyond Human Perception and imagination. These pictures are given for a purpose and a reason. To open not only the heart, but the eyes of Mankind. This story and the pictures that go with it are meant to bring back the lost souls to our Lord, and strengthen the Faith of believers.

To many viewers these pictures will remain as unexplained photos and unexplained miracles, but I have witnessed many of these miracles from heaven with my own eyes. Many of these are actual pictures of Heaven and offer a glimpse of what lies ahead.

I am the Messenger, I am no higher, nor lower than any other. I have been told by the Angels the story of these pictures, that all Mankind may see and believe. I give thanks and Praise to my Lord and my God, and pray for the lost souls, that they may return to God, through our Lord, Jesus Christ.


End Of Times
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